
ConGregate 10

Old Dominion Daleks image

Old Dominion Daleks

Rick and family took their love of theater and science fiction and formed Luna-C Productions in 1997.  Rick is the director, one of the scriptwriters, and plays several roles in the Luna-C Productions comedy troupe in addition to producing, directing and acting in a number of their amateur movie and staged productions.  He is also the driving force behind Old Dominion Daleks and Loki Gators Con-Quest.

In competition Rick and Family has won costuming and presentation awards or been part of numerous Best in Shows, Best Presentations, Most Humorous and workmanship awards over the past 40 years.

Luna-C had the honor of receiving the 2023 Volker/McChesney Award winners for service to Fandom from Farpoint 2023

Most recently Rick and Cynthia were presenters at Virginia Theater Association Fall 2023 conference. "Prop"ing Up Your Performance a presentation of prop use and construction for live and recorded performances.

In addition to Luna-C’s vaudeville style sketch comedy shows they are also known for “Potter Live in 45: a warp speed look at all seven books in 45 minutes”  performed live.

Costumes: The Sixth Doctor (Doctor Who), Londo Mollari: 3 versions (Babylon 5), Hagrid (Harry Potter), Death (Terry Pratchett’s Discworld), Captain Taggert (Galaxy Quest) Worf (Star Trek TNG), John Hammond (Jurassic Park), Santa Claus, Daleks (Doctor Who), Ewoks (Star Wars)

Prop recreation: Liberator Gun (Blakes 7), Farnsworth both standard and Claudia’s (Warehouse 13) Proton Packs (Ghostbusters & Ghostbusters Answer The Call)

Daleks (three different Versions, working on a fourth)

We have been performers/presenters at Science fiction and Fantasy conventions for over 40 years

We have been featured in: The Fandom Fifty: Fifty Fascinating People of the Maryland Science Fiction Conventions. by Diane Lee Baron and Creating the Character Costume: Tools, Tips, and Talks with Top Costumers By Cheralyn Lambeth