
ConGregate 10

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Matthew Penick

Matthew Penick has been cosplaying since 2005 and took his passion for costuming to the professional level in 2009 with the creation of the theatrical design company Ribbons and Rivets. The self-taught designer began primarily working with leather, and while he still considers leatherwork to be his specialty, over the years he has added a plethora of materials and processes to the Ribbons and Rivets toolkit. These days, he uses everything from leather and metal to foam and plastics to bring all manner of characters to life. His work has been used in promotions, book covers, films, and by many a fellow cosplayer and can be found at While he spends most of his time working on commissions or inventory pieces for Renaissance Festivals and Comicons he does manage to feed his old cosplay itch every now and then. His personal costumes can be seen @Zealouscosplay